Route du Vin 7, L-6688 Mertert
St. Annenufer 2, 20457 Hamburg
Digital Freight Sourcing
cost reduction on your inefficient routes.
faster with our one-click RFQ feature.
more invoices correctly for huge savings!
of your team's man-hours on manual processes.
Scan 280 million market data points to identify the routes that save you money.
Tender lanes in just 6 minutes with our one-click RFQs and instantly reward business.
Instantly identify when carriers overcharge you with automated invoice auditing.
Award business to routes with low CO2 emissions and reduce your transport carbon footprint.
“Without SHIPSTA, we would drown in manual workload. Now we can automate procurement processes, integrate flexible analytics and power efficient RfQs strategies across our 10 different brands”
“We wanted to integrate the historical and actual rates from all MoT and unify rate management on a global platform. Today we can calculate our freight costs automatically, based on all our data –which is a huge cost in internal processes”
“ Thanks to SHIPSTA we could reduce our logistics costs by 5% on the tendered freight volume. The platform give us full transparency across the 40 markets where we operate, having a single source of truth for global management”
Route du Vin 7, L-6688 Mertert
St. Annenufer 2, 20457 Hamburg